did manage to get to the gym this morning, although being honest it was about
four hours later than I’d originally anticipated which meant that I didn’t have a
chance to go shopping as I had a lunch engagement. Of course the gym was hugely
busy – probably the busiest I’ve ever seen it and there were plenty of new
recruits starting with their new year’s resolutions to get fit. I wonder how
many of them will still be coming by Easter?
my excitement when standing on the scales to discover that not only did I not
put on any weight over the last couple of weeks, but I had in fact lost another
two pounds. This is amazing considering I haven’t stuck to the low carbing at
all (as expected), although maybe not such a huge surprise that I didn’t gain
weight, as whilst everything was carby, my portions weren’t massive (I even
missed several meals) and with the exception of a hugely alcohol-fuelled New
Years Eve I’ve not overdone either food or drink. Even chocolate was kept
pretty much to a minimum (and I turned down the opportunity to bring home Christmas
I did still (out of habit mainly) keep a note of everything I ate over the
Christmas period I’m not worrying too hard about recording it on Fitday for the
time being. I may put it on there eventually for completeness, but I’m not sure
it’ll add anything except stress me out about the amount of carbs I actually
consumed and it wouldn’t be accurate as portion sizes would all be guesswork –
so pretty much useless for real comparison.
did realise pretty quickly just how much better I feel without all the carbs.
All those horrid body effects such as bloating, wind and indigestion that I’m pretty
much free of whilst low carbing returned and it wasn’t pleasant. In fact there
were a few days when I felt pretty rough which may have been caused by my diet,
although obviously I can’t be sure of that.
so today, although it is now the new year, I am still on holiday and, because I
was eating with friends who had prepared a meal (containing carbs of course) I
am not worrying about today’s food either. Tomorrow, which is still a leave day
for me I will get up, go to the gym and then go shopping. The low carbing will
then resume with a vengeance.
one resolution I have made is that I’m not going to worry too hard about going
just over the 30 gram carb limit. Whilst I obviously want to keep my carbs as
low as possible I also want a nice variety of food and that will necessarily include
the higher carb ingredients such as butternut squash and leeks and with a
potentially difficult year ahead I don’t want to spend my time worrying about
what extra carbs are going to do to my weight. I guess this means that weight loss could
take a little more time, but with the amount I still have to lose I’m in it for
the marathon, not the 100 metre dash and so a few extra weeks or months isn’t
going to make much difference.
Today’s exercise: Bike = 10 mins; Treadmill/weights = 10
mins; Cross Trainer = 10 mins; Arm bike = 16 mins; Bike = 10 mins;
Swimming = 40 lengths
Carb's Eaten: No idea as I’m not counting today!
Exercising to: Harry Potter and
the Order of the Phoenix by
J K Rowling read by Stephen
Fry (UK Edition) – yep still!
/ Various swim tracks
Loss in 2012 = 2 pounds
Total Weight Loss = 2
stone 2 pounds
Inch Loss = 12.5 inches (not sure why I’m bothering with this to
be honest as I can never be bothered to do it!)
Goal: To wear my M&S ‘magic’ dress (size 22) (hopefully by Easter)
Mood (according to Moodscope): 39%
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